Kids Love Pressure Cookers

3.5-Quart Slow Cookers Cuisinart 3.5-Quart Programmable Slow Cooker Brand: Cuisinart Model Number: PSC-350 Size: 3.5 quarts This particular version is one of my favorite options for a small slow cooker and I've had good experiences with it myself. Among the key advantages of the Model is that you get a good number of features at a low price. This includes The conventional options for low and high cooking, together with a programmable timer, An automatic keep warm mode and a simmer feature. The simmer feature is the Most unusual one and it is basically another temperature setting that's below low. That option gives you the capability to cook soups and stews for an entire day -- If you truly want to do that. All-in-all, the model is a great choice for kitchens, especially if you plan to rely on A timer with your cooking. Plus, the slow cooker does produce some high-quality food overall. On a side note, I am not the only one impressed with this model, as Amazon reviewers also ...